Today, we’re going to turn our attention to one of the Messianic Psalms – one of the Psalms that pointed forward to the Perfect King. Psalm 72 is a prayer of Solomon – a prayer that he likely composed as he assumed the throne from his father David.
Psalm 90 calls us to consider the fact that this life has a time limit. It’s a Psalm that says life is short, God is eternal, so how are we going to live?
As Jesus Christ bore the sin of the world on the cross, he pressed with his nail pierced hands and feet to take an unimaginably painful breath, and he used that breath to declare the opening words of Psalm 22, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The Holy Spirit spoke through the […]
We do not like to experience negative emotions; we don’t like to talk with people who are negative and going through pain. We do not want to make other people uncomfortable by talking about our trials and our sadness. But the Bible tells us in Romans 12:15 to weep with those who are weeping, and […]
Our Psalm last week – Psalm 88 – was a song that gave voice to private grief. Our Psalm this morning – Psalm 80 – is a song that gives voice to corporate grief.
Our text this morning is, without a doubt, the saddest Psalm in the Psalter. Unlike the rest of the Psalms of Lament, Psalm 88 does not end on a note of hopefulness. Is a believer allowed to pray that way? Are we allowed to sing songs that don’t end with a note of triumph? Psalm […]