Jr. High Sunday Class Meets on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month

All youth in Grades 6-8 are invited to join us during the Sunday service for a lesson and time of fellowship with their peers.

Jr. High will meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays each month; this is intended to give our youth a balance of sitting in the main worship service, being able to participate in communion on the first Sunday of each month, and more direct time with their peers and leaders with a lesson and time of prayer.

Youth can check-in at the Kids Min counter for their name tag on Jr. High Sundays, and be in the gym for the start of the service; you'll then be excused for class with your leaders on the upper level at the same time the Kids Ministry kids are excused from the service. If you have any questions, please contact Josh.

Jr. & Sr. High Youth Nights

All Jr. (Grades 6-8) and Sr. (Grades 9-12) High youth at Redeemer are invited to our combined youth night with Cornerstone's Youth Ministry.  We meet on Tuesday nights in the Cornerstone portable from 6:00-7:30pm.  This is an open program, so invite your friends out for a fun night of worship music, activities and games, and a large group lesson with small group breakout. Dress for the weather as we plan to do lots of outdoor activities each week.

**Please note Jr. High's last youth night will be on December 10, and Sr. High's last youth night will be on December 17.  Youth Group will start back up in the new year on Tuesday, January 7.

If you'd like more information on Youth Night or would like to be added to the Youth e-blast list, please contact Josh.


Upcoming Events

Jr. High Christmas Party

Date: Tuesday, December 10 // 6:00-7:30pm
Location: Meet at Cornerstone Baptist Church - 265 Coldwater Rd
Details: This will be a time for us to have some fun before the Christmas season comes upon us! This will be the LAST week until after the new year for Jr high youth group. If you have any questions, please contact Josh Scott.

Sr. High Christmas Banquet

Date: Tuesday, December 17 // 5:30-8:00pm
Location: Meet at Cornerstone Baptist Church - 265 Coldwater Rd
Cost: Please come with a gift between $15-$20 if you'd like to participate in the gift exchange.
Sign Up: Sign up at Youth Night the next few weeks so we know how much food to prepare.
Details:We will be having our Christmas event for Sr High's on December 17th. There will be a sign up as we are going to be having dinner that evening, so please make sure you sign up at youth group for this event. Dress attire will be semi-formal, and there will be a gift exchange. If you would like to participate in the gift exchange, please come with a gift between $15-20. December 17th will be the last week of youth group for Sr Highs until after the new year. Since dinner will be provided, the event will go from 5:30pm-8pm to give us some extra time.  Note: Youth group will start back up in the new year on Tuesday January 7th.
If you have any questions, please contact Josh.

Sr. High SnoCamp Winter Retreat

Date: Friday, February 28 - Sunday, March 2, 2025
Location: Muskoka Woods Resort
Cost: $160/student
Sign Up: Sign up by filling out the waiver on the Cornerstone website here.
Details: At Snocamp, high school students get to enjoy all of what Muskoka Woods has to offer while also being immersed in worship and teaching from God’s Word. This retreat is hosted by FEB, and all meals and accomodation are included in the price.

Carpool transportation will be provide by our screened volunteer drivers, or students can arrange their own transportation.  If you're already a screened volunteer driver or would like to become one, please contact Josh. If you have any questions, please contact Josh.