A Tale Of Four Trials

Our passage this morning takes place five days after the Palm Sunday celebrations. The roar of celebration has subsided, and a new roar – a roar of hatred and violence – is about to erupt. In our text today, King Jesus will be put on trial. Luke 22:63-23:25

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The Mount Of Olives

Before Jesus would fix his gaze on Calvary and before he would step into our suffering – before the resolve of Good Friday – we find the distressed prayer of maundy Thursday. Luke 22:39-46

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Redefining Greatness

What does greatness look like? What is the standard by which you would measure it? In our passage this morning, the disciples are wrestling with these questions. Luke 22:24-30

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The Last Supper

Our passage this morning describes the institution of the Lord’s Supper – a meal that took place on the night that Jesus was betrayed. Luke 22:7-23

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Saul of Tarsus

It would have been hard to find a Christian in those days whose life had not been soured in some way by Saul of Tarsus. He was infamous. He was wicked. He was a lost cause. Saul needed a comprehensive, head-to-toe-to-mind-to-heart TRANSFORMATION! And that’s what happened on the road to Damascus. Acts 9:1-25

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Breaking New Ground

Thus far in the story, we have watched as the gospel of Jesus Christ has transformed the city of Jerusalem. But here, in Acts 8, the gospel is beginning its spread to the nations! Acts 8:4-25

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In today’s passage, we find the longest sermon in the book of Acts, and we meet the first martyr of the New Testament church. Acts 6:8 – 8:1a

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Growing Pains

Last week we looked at two dangers that threatened the early church: Persecution from without, and scandal from within. This morning, we learn that in addition to those dangers, even the health of the church was making life complicated! Today, we’re going to learn about the challenge associated with growth. Acts 6:1-7

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The Pattern of Persecution

In the face of threats, and scandals, the gospel is proclaimed, and the church grows! The jealous religious and political leaders watch on with contempt, and we find their response in our passage for this morning. Acts 5:17-42

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