In our passage this morning, we are going to read about two different episodes in the early days at Ephesus. In both episodes, Paul and his team encounter people in Ephesus who are well-intentioned but ill-informed. In particular, it appears that there was confusion surrounding the issue of baptism. Acts 18:24 – 19:7
In today’s passage we find the Apostle Paul feeling a bit beaten down and yet ministering faithfully in the city of Corinth. Looking back, we can see all the ways that God was working but Paul couldn’t see it at the time. None of us can when we are living through it. But there are […]
Despite the Apostle Paul’s early success in Corinth, he was weary and in need of encouragement. The encouragement that he received is encouragement that each and every one of us will need to draw from in seasons of our own weariness. Acts 18:1-11