In today’s passage we see that Jesus knows how to prepare and position his people for what’s next. That’s the big idea in this passage, but there are also some wonderful little lessons that we will learn along the way. Acts 9:32-43
By looking into these “hidden years” in the life of the Apostle Paul we can learn something about how God shapes and moulds human character. This story provides an illustration of God’s careful, slow and quiet Providence in the lives of those he calls into Christian service. Acts 9:26-31
It would have been hard to find a Christian in those days whose life had not been soured in some way by Saul of Tarsus. He was infamous. He was wicked. He was a lost cause. Saul needed a comprehensive, head-to-toe-to-mind-to-heart TRANSFORMATION! And that’s what happened on the road to Damascus. Acts 9:1-25