In our passage today, Paul is just about to set sail for Jerusalem, But before he departs, he needs to make sure that the elders in Ephesus understand that he is passing on the baton of leadership and that they understand what it will look like to shepherd the church in the days to come. […]
The world despises leadership. We don’t trust leaders and we don’t think we need them. But, how are we supposed to receive leadership? How does it work in God’s design? Hebrews 13:17
Sometimes it is difficult for a congregation to see how a letter like 1 Timothy can be relevant to them. But behind every fallen leader is a church that allowed them to lead or allowed them to play fast and loose with the Bible. A church that often found themselves saying: “Something doesn’t seem right […]
We need to learn a lesson from the crisis in the church in Ephesus so as not to repeat it: An unhealthy eldership will RUIN a church. And WE ALL will be held accountable if that ever occurs. 1 Timothy 3:1-7
The Israelites needed to be led, and in Leviticus 8-10 we find God’s gracious provision. This morning we are going to look to Leviticus 8-10 and we are going to ask the question: “What does the Law teach us about Leadership?”