Psalm 84 is written by a brother who is convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that a life lived in worship is better than anything that this world has to offer.
In our passage for this morning, God will give us clear instruction about the worshipful response that He desires from us as we gather. Psalm 96
In today’s passage, the God who made us is calling us to look past our circumstances and our feelings and engage in the worship for which we were made. He is calling us OUT of self-absorption and INTO God-adoration! Living as we do in a culture where we are all but enslaved by our feelings, […]
In our passage this morning, the Apostle Paul reminds us that right living is actually the heart of right worship when he tells us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship. Romans 12:1-2
Christ followers are worshipers – that is our purpose – why we were created. As worshipers, in relationship with God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, worship is what we have been called to do, as a way of life, all the time. What we do personally, privately, and then live out publicly, gets […]
As we look at Leviticus 23, imagine we are looking at the Israelite’s annual family calendar. This is their entire year of corporate worship in one snapshot. This morning, we’re going to look at every item on the calendar and we’re going to apply the lessons that we learn along the way.