Youth SnowTubing Night

Event details

  • Tuesday | February 18, 2025
  • 6:00 pm
  • Horseshoe Valley Resort

Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 from 6:00pm-9:0pm
Location: Horseshoe Valley Resort
Cost: $15/student
Sign Up: Registration is on the Cornerstone website here.
Details: Jr. and Sr. High Youth, and Prospectors Ministry children* & their parents are invited to join us for a fun night of snow tubing at Horseshoe Valley!

*Children 10 years old and under must have adult supervision (18+).

There are 2 forms that need to be filled out for each participant: 1) a Cornerstone registration/waiver form (one per individual) and 2) The Horseshoe Valley waiver form. Every participant attending – child, youth or parent – needs to complete their own waiver form according to their age. On Cornerstone’s website, you’ll see an Adult Registration & Waiver form for those 18yrs+, and a Youth/CM Registration & Waiver for those 18 yrs and under.

We will need to send Horseshoe valley numbers two weeks before the event so please make sure to sign up by February 3rd. All children under 10 years old and under will require adult supervision. You will need to provide transportation for your children on the night of the event. We will not be meeting at the church.

If you have any questions, please contact Josh.