Youth SnowTubing Night

Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 from 6:00pm-9:0pm Location: Horseshoe Valley Resort Cost: $15/student Sign Up: Registration is on the Cornerstone website here. Details: Jr. and Sr. High Youth, and Prospectors Ministry children* & their parents are invited to join us for a fun night of snow tubing at Horseshoe Valley!...

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Young Adults Bible Study

Are you a college student?  Are you on a career track?  Are you a young adult? Be a part of social events, worship nights, and Bible studies with other young adults ages 18-30.  Come to engage with God’s Word, be encouraged by Christian friends, and be equipped to live out...

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Warminster Open Prayer Group

All are invited to attend a weekly Prayer Service hosted by the Peysar family in their home. We will spend time together each week in lifting our praises and prayer to the Lord. Sundays, 7:00-8:00pm Contact Pastor Keith for Details and Location Kids and Youth Welcome

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Wednesday Women’s Prayer Group

All women are invited to attend a weekly Prayer Service where we spend time together each week in lifting our praises and prayer requests to the Lord. Wednesdays, 1:00-2:30pm Redeemer City Church Office 113 Simcoe Street, Orillia (Simcoside Lifepointe Church)

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Thursday Morning Prayer Group

All are welcome to attend our weekly Thursday morning prayer group, taking place from 7:00-8:00am at the Redeemer office (113 Simcoe Street, Orillia at Simcoside Lifepointe Church).  This group is led by Pastor Levi.  

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Potluck Lunch

Plan to stay after the service on Sunday, March 2 for our monthly potluck lunch!  These are great opportunities to meet new people, grow relationships, and share a meal together. Families with last names starting A-M can bring a side, salad or dessert, and last names starting N-Z can bring...

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Christmas Sunday Service

The joyous season of Christmas is upon us, and we warmly invite you to join us for worship this Christmas Sunday at Redeemer. Embrace the spirit of love, unity, and hope as we come together to learn, worship, pray and fellowship together. This will be a morning to reflect on...

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Sunday Service

You’re warmly invited to join us for our Sunday morning worship service. We meet Sundays starting at 10:00am at 505 Gill Street (Orillia Christian School building). In-Person Service: Join us for our weekly worship service and Kids Ministry programs.  You can find more information here. Online Services: Our Sunday services...

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Young Adults Worship Night

Young adults are invited to join us on Friday, November 29 from 7-9pm for a joint worship night with Emmanuel Orillia and Cornerstone.  We will partner together to worship the Lord and have a time of fellowship.  Please note there will be no Young Adults study night on Wednesday, November...

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Womens Worship & Dessert Event

Friday, December 6 // 7:00-9:00pm Emmanuel Baptist Church // 300 Coldwater Rd Orillia Emmanuel Orillia and Redeemer City Church invite women of all ages to a joint evening of worship to help us prepare our hearts and focus on worshipping Christ before the hustle & bustle of the Christmas season...

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