You're invited to join us for our next Guess Who's Coming to Dinner! This family-friendly dinner event is a great opportunity to get to know each other better by sharing a meal in one another's homes. Something special happens when people open their homes to others in the spirit of hospitality; trust is established, fellowship is enjoyed, and relationships grow.

You can sign up by choosing one of the forms below to complete:

If you'd like to be a guest: Fill out the 'GUEST' form. Then, you'll be matched up with other participants and we'll give you instructions prior to the dinner on which address to go to.

If you'd like to host a dinner in your home: Fill out the 'HOST' form. We'll then be in touch to help you coordinate your dinner.

The potluck dinners take place simultaneously on Sunday, February 23 at 5:00pm; hosts will provide the main course and refreshments, and guests can bring a side, salad or dessert.  You can sign up either by filling out the forms below or on the sign-up sheets in the gym on Sunday, February 9 and 16.  If you have any questions, just connect with Sarah Mayo or Christine Baker on Sundays and they're happy to help!

Sign Up Here if You'd like to Be a Guest

Sign Up Here if You'd like to Host a Dinner