The self-realizing, self-forgetting aspect of meekness, the complete and utter trust and dependence on God that allows us to be meek, has a direct bearing on the ability of the Christian to be a peacemaker. Matthew 5:9

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You Are My Help And My Deliverer

The Christian life is joy-filled, but it is also simultaneously heart-breaking. It is glorious and exhausting – exhilarating and debilitating. It is up and down and everything in between. Nevertheless, if you are a Christian then, by the grace of God, you will continue to put one foot in front of the next. Because, according […]

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Who is the Lord?

The believer, when confronted with anxiety, depression, indecision, uncertainty and hardship naturally has to ask themselves, again and again, WHO IS THE GOD IN WHOM I TRUST? Why do I trust Him? Is He mighty to save? Psalm 111 helps us answer this today.

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But you, you are to be feared!

The way that you respond to hardship, spend your money, treat your neighbour – the way you conduct yourself when no one is watching – EVERYTHING about you is shaped and dictated by your view of God. Who is He? What does He require of you? What will it be like when you stand before […]

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Make a Joyful Noise To The Lord!

Christ followers are worshipers – that is our purpose – why we were created. As worshipers, in relationship with God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, worship is what we have been called to do, as a way of life, all the time. What we do personally, privately, and then live out publicly, gets […]

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How To Be Quiet In Times Of Trouble

How does a person pray when their world has been turned upside down, when their closest loved ones have dealt them their deepest wounds or when they find themselves in times of trouble? Psalm 3 is a beautiful example of how David prayed after one of his darkest moments – when he was driven out […]

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