Paul Before Felix

In today’s passage, Paul is in prison, and he is caught up in a legal battle. A lawyer is going to put forward a case against him, Paul is going to respond, and then he’s going to sit in a cell for two years. Acts 24:1-27

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Ministry That Turns A City Upside Down Part II

Last week we saw the beginnings of the transformation of Ephesus by the preaching of the Gospel and changed lives.  This week the transformation continue.  Authentic disciples of Christ, living differently, living “THE WAY”, as salt and light is REVOLUTIONARY.  And by their WITNESS they turn places upside down and, in today’s text, cause a […]

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Masterclass in Mission

In today’s text, Luke is giving us two Masterclasses.  One on how to do mission from the missionary master Paul, and the other in good listening courtesy of the Bereans. Acts 17:1-15

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Who is the Lord?

The believer, when confronted with anxiety, depression, indecision, uncertainty and hardship naturally has to ask themselves, again and again, WHO IS THE GOD IN WHOM I TRUST? Why do I trust Him? Is He mighty to save? Psalm 111 helps us answer this today.

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No cause is too small for our God, just as no problem is too big for Him. We are going to see this today in the life of Ruth – God does great things through ordinary people.

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