Today’s passage draws our attention to the family that raised Jesus, and the worshippers who praised Jesus. Luke 2:21-38
The Zechariah that we find in this passage is ‘singing a different tune’ than the Zechariah we met previously. Finally, by God’s grace, he gets it! He understands! He delights! And he opens his mouth in holy prophesy! This morning, we’re going to listen to and worship along with the song of Zechariah. Luke 1:67-79
Mary gives us the example par excellence of humble, biblical and authentic worship. She has intimate knowledge of God’s character as told through the arch of the Old Testament redemptive narrative and this is the fertile soil out of which her praise grows. Luke 1:46-55
Our God has proven time and time again that He doesn’t look for the strongest, the most charismatic, or the most impressive to accomplish His will. This week we will look at Gabriel’s announcement to Mary and her response. Luke 1:26-38
Luke wrote this Gospel so that we would have certainty concerning the things we have been taught. He compiled written and verbal accounts of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and then – under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit – he recorded what we have before us. Luke was a thorough, thoughtful, meticulous […]
This Advent season we will be looking at promises made in the Old Testament. The first one is found in Genesis 3:15, and it is a curious place to start because it is a promise that is made, not to Adam, or to Eve, but to the devil. Genesis 3:15
There is a terrible – but perhaps helpful – irony in the fact that we are being forced to spend Christmas Sunday apart. Christmas, of course, is the celebration of the incarnation. It is the celebration of the glorious fact that God came to dwell with us! It is the celebration of God’s NEARNESS. John […]
Next Sunday will be Christmas Sunday when we will come again to the manger to celebrate the incarnation. This advent season, we have been meditating on the attributes of God. Who is this glorious God that has come to dwell with us? We have seen that He is triune – one God forever existing in […]
As we prepare our hearts again this year to marvel at the mystery of God with us, we are spending some time meditating on this question: Who is God? Revelation 4:1-11
One of the things that I most appreciate about Christmas is that it forces us to stop and to focus on one of the most amazing things about our God. He is the God who is near. That’s what the word “Emmanuel” means – God with us. We often take for granted just how amazing […]
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