To what lengths would you be willing to go to make the gospel known around the world? What sacrifices would you be willing to make? Acts 16:1-5
In our text today, Paul and Barnabas – two of the speakers from the council who helped to foster this beautiful unity in the church – get into a dispute about their next missionary journey. The men who helped to bridge the cultural divide in the congregation find themselves unable to bridge the personal divide […]
The Jerusalem Council forms the CENTRE of the book of Acts both structurally and theologically. Acts 15 brings us to arguably the most significant decision in the history of the New Testament church. Acts 15:1-35
Today’s passage is about the final leg of the Apostle Paul’s first intentional, cross-cultural missions trip. Paul is breaking new ground as he makes his way into communities that have never heard the gospel. This reality should frame how we study this passage. This is a story about missions. Acts 14:8-23
Our passage this morning is the one and only instance where Luke records for us the content of one of Paul’s synagogue sermons. Acts 13:13-52
Our passage this morning tells the story of the first stage of Paul’s missionary travels where we will discover some valuable lessons in launching out. Acts 13:4-12
In chapter 13, the focus of the story shifts away from Peter. From now on we will be following the Apostle Paul in his missionary journeys. In today’s message we see the first account of a church sending out cross-cultural missionaries. Acts 13:1-3
The Herod we meet in today’s passage is Herod Agrippa. His grandfather was Herod the Great. His uncle was Herod Antipas. This Herodian dynasty was a moral disaster! The frightening reality is: We’re all capable of being a Herod. And while Herod’s opportunity for repentance is over, ours is not! Acts 12:18-24
Our God delights in using the ordinary! Ordinary men. Ordinary women. Ordinary churches. Ordinary prayer meetings. These ordinary means are the tools that God has entrusted to us to TRANSFORM the WORLD! Acts 12:1-17