Paul’s Priorities

Following the riot in Ephesus that we considered last Sunday, Paul sets off and makes his way back to Jerusalem. In today’s passage, we find a record of Paul’s travel log along with a brief account of his visit in Troas.  Acts 20:1-16

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Ministry That Turns A City Upside Down Part II

Last week we saw the beginnings of the transformation of Ephesus by the preaching of the Gospel and changed lives.  This week the transformation continue.  Authentic disciples of Christ, living differently, living “THE WAY”, as salt and light is REVOLUTIONARY.  And by their WITNESS they turn places upside down and, in today’s text, cause a […]

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The Baptism Of John

In our passage this morning, we are going to read about two different episodes in the early days at Ephesus. In both episodes, Paul and his team encounter people in Ephesus who are well-intentioned but ill-informed. In particular, it appears that there was confusion surrounding the issue of baptism. Acts 18:24 – 19:7

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Seasons of Adversity

In today’s passage we find the Apostle Paul feeling a bit beaten down and yet ministering faithfully in the city of Corinth.  Looking back, we can see all the ways that God was working but Paul couldn’t see it at the time. None of us can when we are living through it. But there are […]

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I Have Many In This City Who Are My People

Despite the Apostle Paul’s early success in Corinth, he was weary and in need of encouragement. The encouragement that he received is encouragement that each and every one of us will need to draw from in seasons of our own weariness. Acts 18:1-11

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Witnessing To Other Worldviews

As we evangelize today, we can’t take for granted that the person we are speaking with has the same image of God that we have. We will often find ourselves witnessing to people who hold to other worldviews. In our passage this morning, we find a powerful example of how to do this. Acts 17:16-34

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Masterclass in Mission

In today’s text, Luke is giving us two Masterclasses.  One on how to do mission from the missionary master Paul, and the other in good listening courtesy of the Bereans. Acts 17:1-15

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Successful Ministry

Today, we will be focusing in on Paul’s ministry in a Macedonian city called Philippi.  Our passage today is full of persecution and adversity but it was worth it.  Acts 16:16-40

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