The Pattern of Persecution

In the face of threats, and scandals, the gospel is proclaimed, and the church grows! The jealous religious and political leaders watch on with contempt, and we find their response in our passage for this morning. Acts 5:17-42

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Many Signs and Wonders

The story in this passage is amazing and it raise some difficult questions but before we unpack it, we need to keep in mind two simpler question: What do we see in this story? What are we to make of signs and wonders? Acts 5:12-16

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Ananias and Sapphira

The God of Acts 5:1-11 feels foreign and even offensive to many. And if you were reading your Bible at home, you might just rush past that feeling as quickly as possible. But we won’t be rushing past anything this morning because we need to know God for WHO HE IS, not who we imagine […]

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The Family of God

And in our text this morning, we get a snapshot of the early Church persevering and thriving as they met the challenges that came their way. Acts: 4:32-37

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A Prayer For Perilous Times

The Sanhedrin has issued their warning: If you keep speaking about Jesus, we’re going to do to you what we did to your King. The Apostles have drawn their line in the sand: We cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard. The church is about to feel the wrath of the world. […]

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There Is Salvation In No One Else

Our passage this morning is the second half of the story that we considered last Sunday – Peter and John and the healing of the man lame from birth. The lame man is dancing, Peter is preaching, and the crowd is repenting and believing! Our text this morning picks up in the middle of that […]

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Marks of A Healthy Church

In our passage this morning, we find a summary of how the church engaged with stage one – their ministry in Jerusalem. They were a healthy church – and their neighbours were compelled by what they saw. Acts 2:42-47

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The Sermon That Changed The World

In Acts 2, in Jerusalem during the festival of Pentecost, something like the sound of thunder has rattled the city and a crowd has gathered. As they make their way towards the source of the disruption, they’re met by 120 followers of Jesus crying out the mighty works of God in languages that they have […]

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All of God’s Word is good but TODAY’s passage represents one of the top three transformative events in the history of creation! If by God’s grace, we can be helped to understand and to BELIEVE what we find here in these 13 verses, then our families, our workplaces and our cities will never be the […]

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