Blessed Are The Meek

There has been a clear logical progression from the first beatitude, blessed are the poor in spirit, to the second, blessed are those who mourn. We have seen that when we recognize our sinfulness and our brokenness it leads to a place of mourning and repentance.The progression moves from the...

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Blessed Are The Poor In Spirit

The sermon on the mount is not telling people how to get saved. It is telling saved people how to live. In the first beatitude, being poor in spirit leads to God’s approval which in turn leads to happiness, satisfaction, and joy, and that progression is incredibly significant. Matthew 5:1-3

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Paul In Rome

Luke ends his book here with Paul preaching the gospel to the Jewish leaders in Rome with this most important fact: It is ALL ABOUT JESUS. Acts 28:11-31

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Paul In Malta

In today’s passage, God demonstrates Paul’s credentials as his spokesperson. He does that through the consistent pattern of the Bible, through signs and wonders, and he also does it through drawing a clear connection from Paul to Christ. Acts 28:1-10

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God’s providence is the way he uses his sovereign power to govern all creation throughout all time to accomplish his good purposes.  That is what we are seeing demonstrated in Acts 27. We are seeing God’s wise and purposeful sovereignty; we are seeing his providence on full display. Acts 27

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Paul’s Climactic Defense

In today’s passage,  we are looking at Paul’s final defense before the Roman authorities. Paul’s speech in Acts 26 is his climactic defense of the Christian faith in the book of Acts. Acts 25:1–26:32

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The Two Roads

There is the path to righteousness and life, and the path to wickedness and death. Psalm 1 describes the nature of the path of righteousness and the benefits that are gained by following this path as well as the curses that will come from rejecting this path and following the...

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