A Prayer For Perilous Times

The Sanhedrin has issued their warning: If you keep speaking about Jesus, we’re going to do to you what we did to your King. The Apostles have drawn their line in the sand: We cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard. The church is about to feel...

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There Is Salvation In No One Else

Our passage this morning is the second half of the story that we considered last Sunday – Peter and John and the healing of the man lame from birth. The lame man is dancing, Peter is preaching, and the crowd is repenting and believing! Our text this morning picks up...

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Marks of A Healthy Church

In our passage this morning, we find a summary of how the church engaged with stage one – their ministry in Jerusalem. They were a healthy church – and their neighbours were compelled by what they saw. Acts 2:42-47

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The Sermon That Changed The World

In Acts 2, in Jerusalem during the festival of Pentecost, something like the sound of thunder has rattled the city and a crowd has gathered. As they make their way towards the source of the disruption, they’re met by 120 followers of Jesus crying out the mighty works of God...

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You Are My Help And My Deliverer

The Christian life is joy-filled, but it is also simultaneously heart-breaking. It is glorious and exhausting – exhilarating and debilitating. It is up and down and everything in between. Nevertheless, if you are a Christian then, by the grace of God, you will continue to put one foot in front...

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Who is the Lord?

The believer, when confronted with anxiety, depression, indecision, uncertainty and hardship naturally has to ask themselves, again and again, WHO IS THE GOD IN WHOM I TRUST? Why do I trust Him? Is He mighty to save? Psalm 111 helps us answer this today.

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The Great Invitation

What is the greatest invitation you have ever received? This morning we are going to look at the greatest invitation that we have ever been given. And that invitation is found in Luke 14 in a parable Jesus told: The Great Banquet.

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